Fehlersuche an Yaskawa Komponenten
Yaskawa Varispeed Alarmcodes
Sammlung vieler Alarmcodes der Yaskawa Varispeed Spindelantriebsserie.
Hier gehts zur Liste mit Suchmöglichkeit und Kommentarfunktion.
Code | Message | Contents | Solution | Tags |
AL-9b | Communications command error 5 | YENET1200 communication command error (undefined warning occured) | Check software version for control PCB and NC machine | |
AL-b0 | Initial Origin Detection Error (For IPM motors only) | When the power is turned ON, a phase-C signal cannot be detected while detecting the initial origion. | - Check the wiring of the C-phase signal of the encoder - Replace the encoder or motor - Replace the control card | |
AL-A4 | YENET1200 card I/O fault 3 | YENET1200 card interrupt signal timeout error | Replace YENET1200 card | |
AL-A3 | YENET1200 card I/O fault 2 | WDT error between control PCB and YENET1200 card | Replace YENET1200 card | |
AL-A2 | YENET1200 card I/O fault 1 | YENET1200 card data send/receive error (initial handshek error) | Replace YENET1200 card | |
AL-A1 | YENET1200 card RAM error | YENET1200 card memory (common RAM) error | Replace YENET1200 card | |
AL-A0 | YENET1200 card fault | YENET1200 card fault | Replace YENET1200 card | |
AL-9F | Communications command error 9 | YENET1200 communication command error (undefined warning occured) | Check software version for control PCB and NC machine | |
AL-9E | Communications command error 8 | YENET1200 communication command error (undefined warning occured) | Check software version for control PCB and NC machine | |
AL-9d | Communications command error 7 | YENET1200 communication command error (undefined warning occured) | Check software version for control PCB and NC machine | |
AL-9C | Communications command error 6 | YENET1200 communication command error (undefined warning occured) | Check software version for control PCB and NC machine | |
AL-b1 | Encoder Pluse Number Error (For IPM motors only) | The encoder pulse number per rotation exceeded the correct value by +/- 10 pulses | - Check the wiring of the encoder - Check if the encoder signal line is separated from the main cirguit wiring - Check if the motor and the Inverter are properly grounded - Check the encoder cable specifications (shielded, twisted-pair) - Replace the encoder | |
AL-9A | Communications command error 4 | YENET1200 communication command error (undefined warning occured) | Check software version for control PCB and NC machine | |
AL-99 | Communications command error 3 | YENET1200 communication command error (undefined warning occured) | Check software version for control PCB and NC machine | |
AL-98 | Communications command error 2 | YENET1200 communication command error (undefined warning occured) | Check software version for control PCB and NC machine | |
AL-97 | Communications command error 1 | YENET1200 communication command error (undefined warning occured) | Check software version for control PCB and NC machine | |
AL-92 | YENET1200 card RAM error 2 | YENET1200 card memory (IC) error | Replace YENET1200 card | |
AL-91 | YENET1200 card RAM error 1 | YENET1200 card memory (RAM) error | Replace YENET1200 card | |
AL-90 | Handshake error | Handshake error between YENET1200 card and control PCB | Replace the control PCB | |
AL-8b | Constant change disable error | I/F card constant change is disabled | Replace YENET1200 card | |
AL-8A | YENET1200 undefined command error | Undefined command for YENET1200 is specified | Replace YENET1200 card | |
AL-89 | Undefined constant No setting error | Undefined constant number is set | Check NC machine constants | |
AL-E3 | Orientation Card mismatch | Selected orientation bit does not match Orientation Card | - Check Orientation Card model and orentation selection signal (bit 0 of C-39) - Replace the Orientation Card | |
CPF23 | CPF23 Option DPRAM Err | Option DPRAM Err Interner Fehler im Frequenzumrichter VARISPEED 626MC5 Maschinen verhalten sich im Fehlerfall unterschiedlich: - zeitweise kommt es an der Steuerung zu Meldung: ANTRIEBSFEHLER- SPINDELALARM - Netz wird deaktiviert - Bildschirme werden schwarz als wäre die Maschine nicht an | Steckkarten/Optionskarten defekt oder Wackelkontakt an den Steckkarten Steckverbindern > einfach Steckkarten ziehen, Kontakte reinigen und wieder einbauen | yaskawa cpf23 hurco 626mc5 varispeed |
88888 | YENET1200 communication signal delay | After turning control power ON, NC machine and YENET1200 communication is not establishe | - Check the wiring of YENET1200 communicatin line - Check NC machine power supply | |
CPF01 | Control circuit fault 2 (operatior transmission error) | Transmission between the Inverter and the Digital Operator is establied once after supplying power, but later transmission fault continues for more than 2 seconds WDT time exceeded. | - Insert the Digital Operator connector again - Check the wiring of power supply signal line of 1CN - Replace the control PCB | |
CPF00 | Control circuit fault 1 (operatior transmission error) | Transmission between the inverter and the Digital Operatior cannot be establied until 5 seconds after supplying power. Built-in memory fault, WDT activated | - Insert the Digital Operator connector again - Check the wiring of power supply signal line of 1CN - Replace the control PCB | |
AL-F4 | EEPROM error 4 | Memory (EEPROM) error | Replace the control PCB | |
AL-F3 | EEPROM error 3 | Memory (EEPROM) error | Replace the control PCB | |
AL-F2 | EEPROM error 2 | Memory (EEPROM) error | Replace the control PCB | |
AL-F1 | EEPROM error 1 | Memory (EEPROM) error | Replace the control PCB | |
AL-F0 | ROM error | Memory (PROM) error | Replace the control PCB | |
AL-E4 | Inverter capacity selection error | Selected Inverter capacity (C1-56) does not match then Unit | Check Inverter model and Inverter capcity selection (C1-56) | |
AL-88 | Communications timeout 2 | YENET1200 card internal timeout error | Replace YENET1200 card | |
AL-E2 | Constant setting range error | Memory (EEPROM) data exceeded upper/lower limit | - Confirm that rated speed (C1-26) is within setting range - Check control constants - Replace the control PCB | |
AL-E1 | Motor code unrecorded | Motor code set in C1-25 is not reocrded | - Check motor model and motor code - Check setting list for correct PROM version of motor code | |
AL-E0 | Motor code selection error | Selected motor code (C1-25) does not match Inverter capacity (C1-56) | Check motor model, motor code, Inverter model and Inverter capacity selection | |
AL-d7 | Control ciruit I/O fault 3 | Data transmission error between CPUs | Replace the control PCB | |
AL-d6 | Control ciruit I/O fault 2 | Data transmission error between CPUs | Replace the control PCB | |
AL-d5 | Control ciruit I/O fault 1 | Data transmission error between CPUs | Replace the control PCB | |
AL-d4 | Phase W A/D Converter error | Phase W current detection A/D Converter error | Replace the control PCB | |
AL-d3 | Phase U A/D Converter error | Phase U current detection A/D Converter error | Replace the control PCB | |
AL-d2 | CPU built-in A/D Converter error | CPU built-in A/D Converter error | Replace the control PCB | |
AL-b2 | Low Speed Winding Overspeed Error (For IPM motor only) | The motor speed ecxeeded the max speed for the low speed winding | Check the external sequence to verify that winding change point is correct | |
AL-21 | Emergency stop fault | Inverter did not stop within 10 seconds after emergency stop command | - Check control constant C1-25 - Check the setting of control constant C1-24 and wether external torque limit signals TLL and TLH are input | |
AL-45 | Heatsink thermistor disconnection | Thermistor for heatsink temperature detection was disconnected. The ambient temperature is low (< - 20°C). | - Replace the unit - Raise the ambient temperature to above -20°C | |
AL-44 | Heatsink overheat 2 | Heatsink temperature over upper limit continued for one minute or longer | Check the ambient temperature for effective cooling | |
AL-43 | Heatsink overheat 1 | Heatsink temperature exceeded uper limit (minor fault). | Check the ambient temperature for effective cooling | |
AL-42 | Motor thermistor disconnection | Motor temperature detection thermistor was disconnected | - Check the motor thermistor singal wiring - Check the motor ambient temperatur. (Raise the temperature to above - 10 °C or more.) | |
AL-41 | Motor overheat 2 | Motor temperatur over upper limit continued for over one minute | - Check the wiring - Confirm that motor colling air is normal with power ON - Confirm that the fan is not clogged with dust or oil - Check the wiring of motor thermistor signal lines Notice: NTC value is about 10 kOhms at 25 C Celsius | |
AL-40 | Motor overheat 1 | Motor temperatur exceeded upper limit (minor fault) | - Check the wiring - Confirm that motor colling air is normal with power ON - Confirm that the fan is not clogged with dust or oil - Check the wiring of motor thermistor signal lines Notice: NTC value is about 10 kOhms at 25 C Celsius | |
AL-33 | Motor Lock Detection (For IP motors only) | The motor is locked. (The motor speed remains at 35 min-1 or lower for 10 seconds during the toque refernece saturation.) | - Check if the load ist heavy or al tool is jammed - Check the wiring between Inverter and motor - Check the wiring of encoder singal lines - Make sure that the motor shaft rotates - Check if a motor fault or a conact between rotor an stator occurs, or if a bear is damaged | |
AL-32 | Excessive seed deviation | Seed falls to less than 50% of reference value | - Check if the load is heavy or a tool is jammed - Check whether external torque limit signals TLL and TLH are input - Check the control constants - Check the wiring of encoder signals lines | |
AL-31 | Motor overspeed | Motor speed exceeded 120% of set rated speed | - Confirm that encoder signal lines are separated from main circuit or other power lines - Check the control constants | |
AL-30 | Encoder signal cable disconnection | Motor encoder signal was disconnected or connected improperly | Check the wiring of encoder signal lines | |
AL-46 | Control PCB temperature fault 1 | Control PCB temperature exceeded 80°C | Check the ambient temperature for effective cooling | |
AL-20 | Winding selection fault | Winding selection was not completed within set time | - Check the control constant C1-25 - Check the manetic contactor wiring for winding selection | |
AL-13 | Control circuit undervoltage | Control cirguit power supply became lower then undervoltage detection level | Check the control supply voltage | |
AL-12 | Main circuit undervoltage | Main circuit DC bus voltage bacame lower than undervoltage detection level during run. | Check the input supply voltage. | |
AL-11 | Main ciruit overvoltage | Main circuit DC bus voltage exceeded the overvoltage set value. | - Check the input supply voltage - Check the load shaft (Inverter, Servo) capacity - Check the control constants | |
AL-10 | Converter fault | A fault occurred in Converter Unit. | Check fault contens by using Converter LED | |
AL-07 | Motor Overload (When the motor is locked) | The motor exceede the overload level at low speed (30 min-1 or less) | - Check if the load is heavy or a tool is jammed - Make sure that the motor shaft rotates. (Check if a motor fault or a contact between the rotor and the stator occurs, of if a bearing is damaged.) | |
AL-06 | Motor overload | Motor overload capacitiy exceeded | Reduce the load | |
AL-05 | Inverter output overload | Output current of 120% of 30-minute ratin runs for over one minute | - Reduce the load - Check the load shaft (Inverter, Servo) capacity | |
AL-04 | Main circuit fuse blown | DC circuit fuse was blown | - Check for damage to transinstor, short-circuits on laod side, ground fault, etc. - Check the Inverter output wiring | |
AL-02 | Ground fault | Inverter output side ground current exceeded grounding detection level | - Check the motor for deteriaration of insulation - Check the wiring between Inverter and motor | |
AL-73 | Fault of nuber of pulses per rotation (magnetic sonsor mehtod orentation) | Number of motor pulses per amin axis rotation (4096 - speed gear ratio) exceeded +/- 6% during tuning up | - Check control constants C1-27, 28, 29 - Check the wiring of motor encoder signal lines | |
AL-87 | Communications timeout 1 | Answer to communication command between YENET1200 card and control PCB does not return | Replace the controller PCB | |
AL-86 | YENET1200 card zero division | YENET1200 card detected division/overflow error | Replace YENET1200 card | |
AL-85 | YENET1200 card NMI | YENET1200 card detected NMI | Replace YENET1200 card | |
AL-84 | YENET1200 communication WDT error 2 | WDT error between YENET1200 card an control PCB | Replace the control PCB | |
AL-83 | YENET1200 communication WDT error 1 | WDT error between YENET1200 card an NC machine | Check wiring | |
AL-82 | YENET1200 card ROM error | YENET1200 card memory (PROM) error | Replace YENET1200 card | |
AL-81 | Excessive position deviation | Position deviation exceeded tho alowable range | Check the main axis load | |
AL-80 | YENET1200 communication error | Communication error between YENET1200 card and NC machine | Check wiring | |
AL-75 | INC signal error (Magnetic sensor method orentation) | INC signal input timing error (minor fault) | After carrying out abolute position, change circuit to command INC signal | |
AL-74 | Magnetic sensor signal disconnection | Magnetic sensor signal cable was disconnected or connected improperly | - Check the wiring of magnetic sensor signal lines - Replace the magnetic sensor of magnetizier - Perform tuneup again | |
AL-01 | Overcurrent | Output current exceeded overcurrent detection value, or Inverter output (load) was short-circuited | Check the wiring for Looseness, etc | |
AL-71 | Magnetic sensor signal detection error | Incorrect magnetic sensor signal voltage level during tuning up | - Check the wiring of magnetic sensor signal lines - Replace the magnetic sensor ar magnetizier | |
AL-70 | Tunup incomplete (magnetic sensor method orientation) | Orientation command was input before tuning up (minor fault) | Perform orientation tuneup | |
AL-65 | INC signal error (Encoder method orentation) | INC signal input timing error (minor fault) | After carrying out absolute positioning, change circuit to command INC signal | |
AL-64 | Position detection signal cabel desconnection | Position detection encoder signal cable was disconnected or connected improperly | - Check the wiring of load shaft encoder signal lines - Replace the load shaft encoder - Replace the Orientation Card | |
AL-63 | Fault of number of pulses per rotation (Encoder method orientation) | Number of pulses per rotation exceeded 4096+/-1 during tuning up | - Check the wiring of encode signal lines - Confirm that encoder signal lines are separated from main circuit or other power lines - Verify that motor and Inverter are grounded - Replace the Orientation Card - Replace the encoder | |
AL-62 | Phace-C signal width error | Phase-C signal width exceeded 100 pulses | - Check the wiring of encode signal lines - Confirm that encoder signal lines are separated from main circuit or other power lines - Verify that motor and Inverter are grounded - Replace the Orientation Card - Replace the encoder | |
AL-61 | Phace-C signal detection error | Phase-C signal could not be detected during tuning up | - Check the wiring of encode signal lines - Confirm that encoder signal lines are separated from main circuit or other power lines - Verify that motor and Inverter are grounded - Replace the Orientation Card - Replace the encoder | |
AL-60 | tuneup incomplete (Encoder method orientation) | Orientation command was input before tuning up (minor fault) | Perform orientation tuneup | |
AL-48 | Internal colling fan fault | Inverter internal cooling fan is stopped | Replace the internal cooling fan | |
AL-47 | Control PCB temperature fault 2 | Control PCB temperature exceeded 85°C | Check the ambient temperature for effective cooling |
Gängige Fehler bei diesem Antrieb sind:
F601, F602, F603, F604
Diese betreffen die Spannungsversorung und treten gerne direkt nach dem Einschalten auf. In seltenen Fällen ist nur eine kleine Glassicherung (FU1, FU2, FU3, FU4) auf der kleinen Platine (ETP620010, YPET31004-1) hinterhalb der Regelungsplatine defekt. Es gibt auch noch eine Sicherung (F3) auf der Steuerplatine (YPCT21092, KPC 6194) die dafür verantwortlich sein kann.
Meist gibt jedoch das Niederspannungsnetzteil (AVR000379) seinen Dienst auf. Einen Schaltplan für dieses Netzteil findet Ihr unter folgendem Link:
Schaltplan AVR000379 für Netzteil Varispeed 626VM3.
Schaltplan EPT620010, YPCT21092 für Netzteil Varispeed 626VM3.
Bauteilliste (BOM) für AVR000379.
Die üblichen Fehler sind diverse Kondensatoren oder auch die Optokoppler (PS2501) zwischen Hochspannungs- und Niederspannungsteil. Ein besonders Augenmerk ist auch immer auf die Lötstellen der Anschlusspins der Steckkontakte zu werfen.
Kondensatoren können mit einem ESR-Messgerät im eingelöteten Zustand geprüft werden.
Video über die Fehlersuche und Reparatur vom Schaltnetzteil
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